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Hala Khalil Ahmed Ban A Ghani


Background: A wound may be defined as a disruption of the integrity and role of the tissues in the body. Healing process, which is a normal biological event in the body, is done by many  precise, strict and highly programmed phases, the four  phases of healing include: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation, and repair. The herbal medicine is a branch of the complementary and alternative medicine. Cinnamon is a spice that is made from the inner bark of trees has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Objective: Histological assessment of effect of Cinnamomum Zeylanicum Extract on Experimentally Induced Cutaneous Wound Healing in Rats.

Patients and Methods: Eighteen male albino rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus)of about 250-350gm , were used in this study. Two circular full-thickness wounds  were made on the dorsum region of each animal with a sterile biopsy  punch(5mm diameter).Local cinnamomum zeylanicum  essential oil application  was done on   wounds of  the left side as  experimental  group, whereas the right side was left to heal spontaneously as control . The healing process was followed for the periods (1,3 and 7days), and specimens were prepared  for  histological  analysis.

Results: Histological examination showed wound contraction highest mean values  for control group at day 1 and decreased with time and highest mean values of inflammatory cells parameter  and blood vessel counts  were  recorded in experimental groups at days 1 and 3 ,while epithelial thickness showed increased values with time in all groups.

Conclusion: The study revealed that local application of cinnamomum zeylanicum was effective in promoting wound healing process.


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