Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

Responsibilities of the Editor
Decisions of publication

The editor of DJM is in charge of deciding which of the submitted articles can be published. Our editor assesses articles with no regard to the authors; religion, gender, ethnic origin, political philosophy or citizenship. The editor takes the decision according to the importance of the submitted article, clarity and originality, and the validity of the article in addition to its relevance to the scope of DJM. The editor considers the reviewer's comments and notes to take the final decision about the submitted manuscript. Legal requirements concerning libel, infringement of copyright, and plagiarism should also be taken into consideration.

The editor of DJM or any staff must not disclose any information concerning the submitted article to anyone other than the editorial advisers, corresponding author(s), reviewers, and the publisher in, inappropriate way.

Disclosure of the conflicts of interest
Unpublished contents disclosed in a submitted article cannot be used by the DJM editor or the staff for their personal research works without the written explicit author approval.

Responsibilities of the Reviewers
Contribution to Editorial Board Decision
The process of the DJM peer-reviewing helps the journal editor and the editorial board to take the appropriate decision about the submitted article. In addition, it helps the author (s) to improve their articles.

The selected reviewer has all the rights to decline the contribution in the reviewing process if he/she feels that the paper does not fall within his/her area of expertise or any other reason. The selected reviewer should directly indicate whether he/she accept or reject the assignment by sending a notification to the editor.

Any received manuscripts for reviewing must be considered confidential documents. These submitted articles must not be disclosed or discussed with anyone except the authorized editors.

Objectivity Standards
Reviewers must write their opinions clearly, objectively, and unbiased with supporting arguments. Author personal criticism is forbidden.

Acknowledgment of sources
Reviewers should check the citation cases and the references of the submitted articles. They should identify whether the contents taken from other publications are related to the respective sources. Reviewers should notify the editor of any overlap or substantial similarity with the submitted manuscript and any other publications they know.

Conflict of interest disclosure
Ideas obtained or privileged information during reviewing must not be used for personal advantage and should be kept confidential. The editor does not deal with the reviewers who have conflicts of interest due to connections or relationships with any of the authors, institutions, or companies related to the manuscripts.

Duties of the Authors
Standards of Reporting

Authors of novel articles should submit a truthful account of the research done besides clarifying its significance. Data must be accurately written in the submitted article. The submitted article must have sufficient details and references to help other researchers to develop the work. Knowingly inaccurate or fraudulent statements are considered unacceptable unethical conduct.
 Retention and Data Access
Authors should be ready to submit the raw data of their work accompanied with the submitted article to the DJM editor and should be ready to make it publicly accessible if practicable. Generally, authors should guarantee the accessibility of their raw data to other researchers for at least ten years after publication (by a professional data center); protecting authors and their legal rights.
 Originality, Plagiarism, and Acknowledgement of Sources
Authors should submit original works, and should appropriately quote or cite the work and/or words of other researchers. Influential and most recent references of the submitted article should also be cited. The DJM has its own similarity checker which is handled by the editorial board of the journal. In addition, DJM checks the plagiarism of submitted articles by Turnitin. Thus, the journal editor has the right to reject any article that he/she feels contains a high similarity ratio with other published work.
Concurrent, Multiple or Redundant Publications

Papers describing essentially the same research should not be published in more than one journal. Submitting the same paper to more than one journal constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable. Manuscripts which have been published as copyrighted material elsewhere cannot be submitted. In addition, manuscripts under review by the journal should not be resubmitted to copyrighted publications. However, by submitting a manuscript, the author(s) retain the rights to the published material. In case of publication they permit the use of their work under a CC-BY license [], which allows others to copy, distribute and transmit the work as well as to adapt the work and to make commercial use of it.

 Article Authorship
Authorship is limited to those who have made an important contribution to the conception, planning, implementation, and/or discussion of the submitted work. All those actual participants must be included as co-authors. The corresponding author ensures that all contributing co-authors and no uninvolved persons are included in the author list. The corresponding author will also verify that all co-authors have approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.
 Disclosure the Conflicts of Interests
All authors must write a statement disclosing any substantive or financial conflicts of interests that may influence the interpretation or results of their submitted work. All financial support sources for their submitted works must be disclosed.
 Basic Errors in Published Work
When the author discovers an important error or inaccuracy in his published work, he/she should immediately notify the editor to cooperate with the editor to withdraw the paper or correct the error.