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Basim M Ahmed


Background: Depression  is health problem of epidemic dimension, characterized by multiple symptoms, including abnormal and persisting affective changes associated with feeling of worthlessness guilt and helplessness, anxiety, crying, suicidal tendencies, loss of interest, in work and other activities , impaired capacity to perform every day social and functions,  and  hypochondriasis.

Objective: To measure the rate of depression among patient attending primary health care centers in Baquba  city  and to identify their sociodemographic characteristics.

Patients and Methods: Three hundred and sixty patients (160 males,200 females) were  drown randomly from three primary health care centers in Baquba city , cross sectional study were done for them  using General health questioner  (Golberg -30) ,semi structural psychiatric interview schedule based on American psychiatric association diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 5th edition  and Becks inventory test  to detect depression and its severity. Results were analyzed  statistically.

Results: The  rate   of depression among  primary care attendants in Baquba city  in this study was (12.5%). More common in female than that in male (15.5% in female, 8.75 %  in male); female  male ratio (1.85-1), recognition rate of depression was  low 22.3%. Mild depression is higher than other types of depression 44.4%.

Conclusion: Depression rate is high in primary health centers in Baquba city , the depression is  under diagnosed  and often in appropriately treated illness resulting in economic burden in health care centers .


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